Marketing & Psychology

Marketing and Psychology actually go hand in hand. Many marketing majors have to take consumer and behavioral psychology classes in college. It is very important to understand what customers think and what triggers them to convert. The entire thought process of a consumer, from first seeing the product to purchasing the product, is all based off of psychology and marketing triggers.

95% of our purchase decision making takes place in our subconscious mind. Marketing and Psychology really do go hand in hand.

Here are 7 psychological triggers in marketing:

  • Faith in aesthetics
    • digital email aesthetics affect consumer trust in a brand
    • a brand's aesthetic and 'look' is important to loyal customers
  • Request justification
    • make it clear
    • incentives drives customer loyalty
  • Social proof and the band-wagon effect
    • the actions of others serve as models for how we think we should act
    • in unfamiliar situations, we look to others to validate our decisions
    • feeling included in a group is a strong motivation
    • momentum gives other people the initiative to jump in on the band wagon
  • Put the most important details in the beginning and the end
    • tell me, show me, tell me what you showed me
  • The availability cascade
    • the more a piece of information is repeated, the more likely we are to believe it
    • be distinctive in your word choice
  • Curiosity
    • having partial knowledge drives us to fill in the information gaps
    • too little info doesn't drive enough interest
  • Labeling
    • describe the qualities you'd like to have to your customers

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