
2019 is quickly approaching and I want to give you a few pointers for your resolution/goal list. An interesting article talks about how resolutions are set by unhappy people and “Only 8% of people are always successful in achieving their resolutions.”

This isn’t surprising, however there are better ways to go about setting goals for yourself in the new year. Here are some helpful tips to gathering your 2019 New Year’s Goals into one “and attainable” list:

  1. Remember that resolutions are just those: resolutions. So set the most attainable ones and don’t go for goals that are way out of reach for you and your life. 
  2. Make good changes in your life. Cut out toxic people/habits and you will see changes immediately!
  3. Remember that multi-tasking isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes it’s good to just focus on one thing at a time to get the most out of it. If you’re going for a walk, go for a walk. Be in touch with nature and yourself in that moment. If you’re taking a break from something, actually take the BREAK. Don’t let something else occupy your time when your mind needs a break from the crazy madness.
  4. Take a mental-health evaluation. Here is a great resource of mental health evaluation tests. I cannot stress enough how important it is to constantly touch base with your mental health and know your status at all times.
  5. Reflect on your previous year. Write down a list of goals you achieved and everything you did in the past year. Separate the good from the bad.
  6. Write down EVERYTHING (big and small) you are thankful for. This will help you realize what the previous year has brought you!
  7. Re-connect with your static, long-term goals. Write these down again and keep a constant note of them (somewhere you will look daily). Know the reason for these goals and what their outcome will be.
  8. Evaluate your short-term goals. What are the reasons for these goals and how will they impact your life?
  9. Give back. Whether it’s to your family, your community, or to yourself. 
  10. Invest in your health & well-being.
  11. Take some time for yourself. Find this time and make sure you balance it out whether it’s daily or weekly time. This time needs to be constant and something you look forward to.
  12. Remain open to new opportunities, ideas, and possibilities in 2019.
  13. Stay positive and throw negativity out.
  14. Take this hashtag seriously… #NEWYEARNEWME

Thanks for reading and have a Happy New Year!


Olivia, Social Media Specialist at Park Merchandising