Let’s talk about the power of social media for a minute.
Social media marketing is a powerful tool. It is used by most businesses and a majority of individuals who have access to the internet. As most people are using social media as their source of daily news and as their daily pass time, why wouldn’t any small company trying to grow start using social media as their source of marketing?
For example, an advertisement campaign with small budget can go a long way on Facebook. A small budget of around $100 for a Facebook advertisement can reach up to 20,000 or more users. Just imagine the cost of an advertisement in a magazine or newspaper today. Now, imagine putting that money into a Facebook ad and reaching 3x (or more) the amount of people who would see the hard copy advertisement. Choosing your targeted audience, selecting what region of the world you want to see your ads, and customizing the number of people you want to reach are just a few of the factors under your control while operating a Facebook advertisement.
Now, Instagram. Moving on to bigger and ‘younger’ things. While Facebook is a great way to capture audiences of all ages, Instagram focuses on the younger generation. Advertising on Instagram is a way to “sponsor” a spot on your target market’s Instagram feed and fill it with your ad. In other words, as they scroll through their daily Instagram feed, they will see your advertisement pop up with a link to your website. Simple as that. No “like” or “follow” is required for a certain account to see your ad because you’ve “chosen” your target’s demographics, which Instagram then selects for you. For example: You own a cosmetics salon. You operate online and have a storefront in Los Angeles, CA. An 18 year old girl who is interested in makeup tutorials on Youtube, buys products similar to yours online, and recently posted a photo on Instagram in LA would sound like your ideal customer. She will more than likely see your Instagram ad pop up on her feed because of her location and activity on the internet and on Instagram. This is a perfect example as to why you should use Instagram ads on top of Facebook ads in order to reach your full circle of customers.
Social media is the way to move your business forward. In order to be more “present” on social media and create more of a following that will generate top engagement with your business, you need to be social on social media. Sounds crazy, but some people think running an account means just posting pictures with captions. This is wrong! You need to interact with other accounts, interact and engage with customers, and create that customer loyalty that will generate a strong following while also keeping you active and fresh on their daily feed.
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