Computer Learning Month

Did you know that October is Computer Learning Month?

Here at Park Merchandising, we operate digitally and rely on computers to house our information. Our reports and data are sent electronically every day and from there is the foundation of what the daily tasks consist of. Computers are used everywhere in business today. People rely on them for more than just work and play. These incredible pieces of technology are essential parts of every day global communication. Just think about how easy it is to send an email to a computer thousands of miles away in .02 seconds. Computers can do incredible things that humans cannot, which is why we use them and why they were invented. 

Not everyone is an IT genius when it comes to operating a computer. Today’s younger generation, though, are a lot more knowledgeable and experienced with most mobile devices and computers than you might think. If you hand a 4 yr old an iPad with a few apps for kids on it, you’d be very surprised at how much they know about the iPad and how to use it. Today’s kids are growing up using the newest technology daily and it is a part of their daily learning experience in school and at home. On the other hand, the people today who grew up without using computers and technology as much are learning more and more about new things with them every day. Children can learn new techniques and updates about technology so much easier than someone who has been using the same system for a while and has gotten used to it. You hear it all the time, but it’s true; technology is always changing. It will never stop changing and becoming better than it was yesterday!

Computer Learning Month was established to spread awareness and knowledge of computers, technology, and why they are so important today. Individuals and even groups of people who aren’t as familiar with computers are encouraged to celebrate Computer Learning Month. There are several ways to celebrate.

  1. Take a class about a computer program you are not familiar with or want to learn more about
  2. Teach an older person about the newest computer technologies
  3. Help someone out who might have a lack of opportunity when it comes to learning about computers
  4. Play a computer game with someone who wants to learn
  5. Earn a certificate of mastery for a computer program you might use often (it looks fantastic on a resume!)
  6. Download a new app to help you organize tasks to complete on your computer

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