Don’t brag about being busy unless you’re productive. Simple as that? In American culture today, everyone is busy. Plans are made way ahead of time so that we can plan for appointments or events on top of our other events. We’re so busy and moving so fast that sometimes we forget to design what our day should look like. And sometimes, that’s a good thing. But, is it the most productive way to go about being busy?
There are several ways to look at your day and decide how to prioritize your tasks.
- Complete tasks with goals in mind, not just to check them off your list.
- Have your weekly and monthly calendar visible on your desk. Have small notes posted daily on your calendar reminding you to do something, remember something, or complete a task. Highlight and color code different tasks/events in order to visualize your time and tasks per day.
- To-do lists should be made daily and in the morning before any large projects begin. This makes it easy to visualize your tasks and prioritize them.
- Know when to disconnect at work and at home. At work, don’t let your phone and notifications overwhelm you and distract you. Make time for a small break per hour, maybe a 5 minute break per every 60 minutes. In this five minutes, grab a sip of water or coffee and a small snack, check your notifications and emails, and go onto your next task. This gives your brain time to finish a thought and move onto the next one. This creates maximum room for future productivity after a task is completed.
- “Busier” does not mean better. You are not better off or more productive the busier you are. If you are spreading yourself too thin, signs will come to you sooner than you’d think. Feedback won’t be what you are aiming for, you’ll go back and notice mistakes you thought you’d never make, and you realize there are faster/easier ways to do your job (but maybe your job shouldn’t be rushed). You might find it easier to start delegating tasks, which isn’t always a bad thing, but you don’t think through the right way to go about the delegating. Signs of personal and professional growth and skill enhancement with your career are great signs, but don’t let them make you believe this means you need to take on more than you ever should.
- Take care of your body and your mind. Drink water throughout the day and get enough sleep at night. Your body and your mind need rest after working.