How can I break down a big idea or goal into small bite-size pieces?
You can use time constraints to your advantage and move forward with your massive plan by using a manageable method. There’s a standard thought that time and cash produce the business of your dreams, but it’s simply not true. Although those factors assist you and the foundations of your business, you have to continue to be compelled and build your business. Endless amounts of time and cash don’t exempt you from the question we tend to all face: “What’s next?”
I would argue that obstacles before the completion of your plan are literally opportunities to approach the project strategically and sustainably. Similarly, building your big idea from the ground up doesn’t mean your work is slighter or less substantive. The only defeat is ending a project before you’ve even begun. No project or goal is too big or too small.
For example: let’s say your big idea is an overall increase in blog post views and subscriptions to your website and newsletter. This is a big idea and a big goal that will take some time and continuous effort to achieve and see results. It’s a slow process, especially when you’re building a list from nothing and completely organically.
Here’s a list of tasks to complete for helping you achieve your big idea. These tasks will help your website, SEO, and social media presence as well.
Register your web site name and choose your hosting supplier.
Choose a business email address.
Add a subscription box to your home page.
Take professional photos for your site.
Write a few blog posts every month.
Write an ebook.
Write guest posts for publications.
Research the social media platforms your community uses.
Create relevant social media profiles.
Browse in-person networking events.