Assess yourself and learn from the results of this productivity assessment.
First, to test your productivity, take this assessment.
What were your results of your productivity assessment? If you scored a 60 or higher, you have a decent amount of productivity and control over your daily tasks, but there is still a ton of room for improvement. Here are things you can take away from this assessment and how you can improve your daily functions and your work/home balance:
- Get plenty of rest every night.
- Take a 20 minute walk every day. It boots your brain activity and keeps you from that 3pm slump.
- Make time for yourself without your phone/computer. Take time away from these devices and give your eyes a rest.
- Take time to sit down and eat your meals. Breakfast is almost always eaten on the way to work for busy people. Make time to sit down and eat breakfast…see how it can change your morning and your mood.
- Review your calendar for the next day the night before.
- Dress for success. Wearing something you feel good in sets you up for success.
- Pick out what you are wearing the next day the night before. Check the weather for the next day and plan your outfit accordingly.
- Check your emails and messages once per hour. Not every 10 minutes. This can be distracting and keep you from focusing on important goals to finish. Use the results from the productivity assessment to see how much time you spend on your phone daily and how much time you spend on emails.
- Take time to meet with your team daily. What are their daily tasks and goals. What are they planning on achieving before Friday afternoon?
- Separate large projects into small tasks. Reward yourself for each finished task. This reduces the chance of procrastination.
- Make meetings short and sweet.
- How do you talk about success with your team? If your answer is along the lines of “I don’t”, or “We never really talk about success, just failures” then there is a ton of room for improvement. For every failure, talk about 2 successes.
- Delegate tasks and don’t micro-manage.
Pozen, Robert c. “Assessment: How Productive Are You?” Harvard Business Review, 28 Aug. 2018,