How are you sticking to your marketing routine during quarantine?
There are thousands of tips to help you be more productive throughout the day during quarantine. But, have you found any that actually work for you? If you haven’t, the tips probably don’t align well with your goals and daily to-do lists. There is no one-size-fits-all routine that works for everyone. Everyone works, thinks, organizes, and performs differently and in their own way. And during a stressful time like this, it’s VERY important to prioritize and not get distracted!
Here are some ways to find the best marketing routine for your daily goals and tasks during quarantine:
Establish a routine list for the morning. Have a list of things to get done at the beginning of the day such as: checking/answering emails, posting to Linkedin and Twitter, checking stats of social media posts from the day before, and scheduling meetings/calls for the day.
Another list should be for the end of the day. It might consist of tasks like: scheduling social media posts for the next day, sending re-cap emails, create drafts for the next day… etc.
Lighten your weekly workload by doing a few tasks every day that add up at the end of the week.
Avoid brain fog by always keeping a to-do list and an overall goal to work towards.
Keep in mind your PURPOSE. If you’re a marketer, your purpose is to market for your brand. This sounds simple, but it’s so complex. Remember your job is to create and establish the look and presence of your brand online.
Keep your social media on a marketing routine as well. Post based on days of the week and align your social media with your marketing campaigns.
Make a list of your most essential duties. Keep this list at your desk in-sight and check off a task or two every week.
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