5 Alternatives To Annoying Ads. Looking to reach the right audience without annoying them first? Join the club! Everyone scrolls over ads now. Millions of people exit out of a video they are watching simply because an ad has interrupted it.
The truth is no one cares about ads anymore. Young social media users aren’t responding to ads as much as the older generations. Unless an ad is super relatable to your current searches and online shopping habits, you’re probably going to ignore it. Why? Because they are annoying. Every marketer is looking for the best ad alternative solution.
There might be times when an ad is so perfectly placed in a situation where the customer is automatically interested and clicks. But those situations are rare ones! Instead of wasting money on ads that *might* grab the attention of converting customers, why not try a different solution? Well, here’s five ad alternatives:
- Influencer Marketing – It’s more than a trend, more than a phase, it WORKS. Instagram marketing is a billion dollar industry and grows every single day. Influencers post videos and content about your product. They use it and give it a review. They are the best form of advertising!
- Youtube Videos/IGTV – Video marketing is becoming more and more successful by the minute. By 2020, around 80% of internet traffic will be video. It obviously works! Use Youtube and Instagram TV marketing to target your customers.
- Email Marketing – It is not dead! Whoever said email marketing was a dead end was truly wrong. Email marketing works if you do it correctly. Send them what they want and what they can use. Whether that’s coupons, links to important sales, or special notes about rewards programs. Use it for the best!
- Snail Mail – Regular mail is not dead, either. People actually enjoy getting personalized mail delivered to them. With everything being digital now, it’s nice to add a personal touch. Be sure to send out mail every once in a while to reach your customers. Trust us, it’s the thought that counts.
- Facebook Groups – Create an exclusive group for your brand with a Facebook group. This should be a place where you can share special sales, discounts, and info with your top customers. It should be a list they are dying to get on, so make it exclusive and like a secret club. People love to be part of something!