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A Virtual Leader

Now, more than ever, it's important to be a leader. Being a virtual leader with your company is crucial for the employees...

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Scan-Based Trading - What The Other Guys Say

An essential component of a successful Scan Based Trading program is product management, inventory control, and merchandising.

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Social Media Marketing: Corona-Edition

This is time to really get to know people and network through social media marketing. Here are a few social media tips to help you market your brand

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Our Best Blogs Yet: Pt 1 'Correlation Between Visual Merchandising and Sales'

A product manager or merchandiser should ask this: is there a sales pattern resulting from a change in the visual merchandising arrangement of a product?

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What's More Satisfying Than Organic Instagram Growth?

You have created the profile, theme, look, and vibe for your profile. Your page is original and all about one thing: your brand and your Instagram growth.

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The REAL Cost of Social Media

Social Media is not free. It comes at a cost, sometimes a high cost, depending on how much growth you want it to have. So what's the cost of social media?

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5 Hashtag Rules You Should Know

Hashtags today can either work for you or against you. There are a few tips and rules to help you figure out the hashtag formula.

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Email Marketing and Blogging For Your Brand's Purpose

How To Create Your Brand Vision; let’s explore the assorted ways in which you'll be able to grow your brand's blog and email promoting techniques.

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More Than Just A Button: A CTA Button

Call To Action (CTA) Buttons: Why Do They Matter? Call To Action buttons create the real difference between a lead and a converting customer.

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Social Media Marketing with Park Merchandising

Social Media Digital Marketing & Advertising - Take a look at some of the options we offer for social media digital advertisements!

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Ways To Increase Your Instagram Engagement

Instagram posts are not getting the proper amount of views that they used to. There are still some ways you can get the most out of your engagement rates.

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A Social Media Unicorn

Social media marketers desire to become a unicorn with their work: one person who can manage, create, plan, and do it all.

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We Have Launched Our First E-Book!

We Have Launched Our First E-Book!Introducing our new E-Book, 'Get Your Marketing On The Right Track', with Park Merchandising.

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ECRM Consumer Tech Show

This week we're in Chicago seeing the latest trends in the consumer electronic industry. We will be presenting our services and our marketing programs...

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Email Marketing Hacks

Today we are diving into a very important topic for your digital marketing strategies: EMAIL. Email is still one of the strongest forms of marketing!

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What is Supply Chain Management?

Supply Chain Management is the foundational artery of a business. SCM systems provide ways to reduce overall costs and improve efficiencies from end-to-end.

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Re-Blog: Humanizing Your Brand

Here are a few ways to introduce a more humanized approach to your brand’s social media and marketing efforts.

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Organic & Paid Marketing

What is the difference between Organic Marketing and Paid Marketing? Marketers confuse the differences between Organic & Paid; the answer is to use both!

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Marketing & Psychology

It is very important to understand what customers think and what triggers them to convert. The entire thought process of a consumer, from first seeing the product to purchasing the product, is all based off of psychology and marketing triggers. 

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Is your content up to engagement standards?

Your competitors are setting social standards: posting super engaging content daily, getting tons of likes and comments, and creating high engagement. How?

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Social Media Marketing VS SEO

Generating sales, attracting organic traffic, and gaining loyal customers are all factors that result from SEO and Social Media Marketing

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Content Strategy: The Editorial Calendar

Some marketers focus on making their editorial content calendars at least a month in advance. Others do a weekly calendar, either way is fine.

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Measuring Digital Marketing Efforts

All pieces of digital marketing efforts, social media marketing, and engagement marketing have outputs that can be hard to measure and track.

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Getting Started With Content Marketing

Content marketing is different than traditional B2C marketing. Content marketing focuses on creating a genuine relationship with the consumer.

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The Marketing Difference Between Audience & Traffic

So what's the real difference in marketing audience vs traffic? There are so many marketers who are confused about these two important statistics.

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Humanizing Your Brand (With Marketing)

Marketing and social media is meant for exactly that; to be social and market to the people that matter to your brand. Humanize your brand with marketing.

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Making Connections

Looking to generate more leads? Looking to meet valuable people? Here are some tips for making meaningful networking connections in the business world:

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Twitter In 2019 - How To Integrate It Into Your Social Media Marketing

Using Twitter for your brand/business can be an important tool and provide useful resources for staying updated on topics your customers are interested in.

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Team Building Activities For The Office

If you are in charge of team-building activities and ideas for your office, here are a few ways to tackle them!

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Digital Marketing Today - Tips You Should Know

Digital marketing is the most popular form of marketing today. Most business aren't going to put their ads in a magazine, in a newspaper...

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Does Your Website Need A Digital Face-lift?

Your business's website is the face of your company. It should be easy to locate, navigate, and source. Here are a few ways to polish your website:

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Maximizing Your Online Presence

Social media marketing and brand recognition go hand-in-hand. Your logo or icon should be easily identified without a single word.

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How To Make The Most Out Of Meetings

Employees interact better when they have some time to interact directly with one another. Meetings are the perfect place to gather thoughts and ideas...

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How To Acquire New Customers & New Business Opportunities

How To Acquire New Customers & New Business Opportunities. Marketing your brand is the best way to gain new customers and new business opportunities.

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A Look Into 2019 Marketing Trends

Some are the same as they were in 2018, only bigger. Some have changed and some are not trending anymore. SM trends to look out for in 2019:

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Remember that resolutions are just those: resolutions. So set the most attainable ones and don't go for goals that are way out of reach for you and your life.

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How to Thank Your Clients at the End of the Year

Thanking customers can go a long way. Your customers and clients are very appreciative of your services, so why not thank them for being loyal clients?

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To-Do Before January 1st

It's the Holiday season and that means the New Year is right around the corner. There are several tasks to complete around the office...

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Visual merchandising & sales performance: what's the correlation?

A product manager or merchandiser should ask this: is there a sales pattern resulting from a change in the visual merchandising arrangement of a product?

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Are you productive? Assess yourself and learn from the results.

Even if you have a decent amount of productivity and control over your daily tasks, there's still room for improvement. Take this productivity assessment!

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Defining Scan Based Trading

Here at Park Merchandising, we specialize in Scan Based Trading (SBT), inventory distribution, and comprehensive inventory management.

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LinkedIn Can Be Your Business Power Tool

Through LinkedIn, your employees can represent their company and your business can represent it's current and past employees.

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The Power Behind Using Emojis in Marketing Content

It's time for brands to start turning to Emojis to up their game. They can connect all different thoughts, ideas, people, and feelings...

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Busy = Productive?

Simple as that? In American culture today, everyone is busy. But being busy does not mean you are being productive. Productive > Busy.

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A day in the life of a Social Media Specialist

It is important that they are following the top accounts, ones that post the most often and that are relevant to their accounts and their business.

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POS System Updates & How They Are Affecting Businesses

All of your information can be accessed in one place via cloud-based and mobile systems. Websites like Shopify can connect with your online POS system.

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Your daily news updates FAST

There are several ways you can get your daily news fast updates before 7 am without sitting down and watching the news channel on TV.

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Social media marketing is a powerful tool. It is used by most businesses and a majority of individuals who have access to the internet.

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Computer Learning Month

Computers are used everywhere in business today. People rely on them for more than just work and play.

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